Payment Systems
For two decades A-SIT cooperated with the Central bank of the Republic of Austria (OeNB) as the responsible authority in the domain of the payment systems oversight (ZSA). Thus A-SIT was able to build up a strong expert knowledge in the field of payment systems.
Expertise domains. In particular, our focus is on the protection in terms of technical reliability and also concerning diagnoses in the area of organizational security requirements as well as international standards. Thus the focus is on technical-operational risks that payment systems are exposed to. The likelihood of operational disruption and associated impacts shall be minimized to improve the business continuity.
Improve the reliability. Electronic payment systems require a profound level in terms of security. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are the essential protection objectives. In addition, these systems also require state-of-the-art traceability to execute the transfer of monetary values or securities. Such systems are:
- Large-value payment systems (e.g. TARGET2 etc.)
- Retail payment systems (e.g. clearing & settlement of direct debits, credit transfers)
- Card payment systems (e.g. Automated Teller Machines (ATM), credit card systems)
- Mobile payment
- Securities Settlement systems